Connections, threads and deadlocks
Table of contents
Slick Scheduling Algorithm
For the new scheduling algorithm in #1461 to work correctly without deadlocks it is critical that Slicks knows the connection pool size. It is set automatically when you let Slick configure HikariCP by calling Database.forDatabase(...)
or Database.forDataSource
where the default maxConnections is set to 1
connection if you don’t override it yourself which for most cases if too low, in all other cases you have to do it on your own by using
Introduction of priority levels:
- HighPriority: a DBIO which already has a connection associated (due to running in a transaction or with pinned session)
- MediumPriority: the old highPrio = true case: a continuation of another DBIO action, it should always be able to be enqueued
- LowPriority: any other DBIO, if the queue is full it will not be enqueued
The queue backing Slick’s ThreadPoolExecutor now consists internally of two backing queues:
- A HighPriority queue which contains only the HighPriority runnables
- The old queue containing the other priority levels.
HighPriority items are always taken first, until this queue is exhausted and only then Low- or MediumPriority items are considered.
We also do connection counting in the HikariCPJdbcDataSource: When there are no more connections in the pool, we prevent low/medium priority items from being processed from the queue. Only HighPriority items are able to make progress, because they already have a connection.
Database thread pool
Every Database contains an AsyncExecutor that manages the thread pool for asynchronous execution of Database I/O Actions. Its size is the main parameter to tune for the best performance of the Database object. It should be set to the value that you would use for the size of the connection pool in a traditional, blocking application.
When using Database.forConfig, the thread pool is configured directly in the external configuration file together with the connection parameters. If you use any other factory method to get a Database, you can either use a default configuration or specify a custom AsyncExecutor:
val db = Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:test1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", driver="org.h2.Driver",
executor = AsyncExecutor("test1", numThreads=10, queueSize=1000))
The object akka.persistence.postgres.util.SlickDatabase
reads the HikariJdbcDataSource configuration from typesafe configuration from the object slick.db
. It expects a connectionPool
field that has been set to HikariCP
The class slick.jdbc.hikaricp.HikariCPJdbcDataSource
reads the configured Hikari Connection Pool configuration.
def forConfig(c: Config, driver: Driver, name: String, classLoader: ClassLoader): HikariCPJdbcDataSource = {
val hconf = new HikariConfig()
// Connection settings
if (c.hasPath("dataSourceClass")) {
} else {
Option(c.getStringOr("driverClassName", c.getStringOr("driver"))).map(hconf.setDriverClassName _)
hconf.setJdbcUrl(c.getStringOr("url", null))
// Pool configuration
hconf.setConnectionTimeout(c.getMillisecondsOr("connectionTimeout", 1000))
hconf.setValidationTimeout(c.getMillisecondsOr("validationTimeout", 1000))
hconf.setIdleTimeout(c.getMillisecondsOr("idleTimeout", 600000))
hconf.setMaxLifetime(c.getMillisecondsOr("maxLifetime", 1800000))
hconf.setLeakDetectionThreshold(c.getMillisecondsOr("leakDetectionThreshold", 0))
hconf.setInitializationFailFast(c.getBooleanOr("initializationFailFast", false))
val numThreads = c.getIntOr("numThreads", 20)
hconf.setMaximumPoolSize(c.getIntOr("maxConnections", numThreads * 5))
hconf.setMinimumIdle(c.getIntOr("minConnections", numThreads))
hconf.setPoolName(c.getStringOr("poolName", name))
hconf.setRegisterMbeans(c.getBooleanOr("registerMbeans", false))
// Equivalent of ConnectionPreparer
hconf.setReadOnly(c.getBooleanOr("readOnly", false))
c.getStringOpt("isolation").map("TRANSACTION_" + _).foreach(hconf.setTransactionIsolation)
hconf.setCatalog(c.getStringOr("catalog", null))
val ds = new HikariDataSource(hconf)
new HikariCPJdbcDataSource(ds, hconf)