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Migration from pekko-persistence-jdbc 1.0.0

:warning: The akka-persistence-postgres-migration package was only compatible with akka-persistence-jdbc version 4.0.0. The pekko-persistence-jdbc is based on akka-persistence-jdbc version 5.0.0, and as a result, it has been temporarily removed from the current project.

Migration from akka-persistence-postgres to pekko-persistence-postgres

This guide will walk you through the process of migrating from akka-persistence-postgres to pekko-persistence-postgres. The migration process is straightforward and involves changing package names and configuration settings. Before making the changes make sure you already migrated from Akka to Pekko following this migration guide here.

Update Package Names

In your code, replace all instances of the akka package with org.apache.pekko. This includes all import statements and fully qualified class names.

Update Configuration Settings

Next, you need to update your configuration settings. In your application.conf file, replace the akka block with a pekko block. Here’s an example of how to do this:


akka-persistence-postgres {...}

akka {
  persistence {
    journal {...}
    snapshot-store {...}


pekko-persistence-postgres {...}

pekko {
  persistence {
    journal {...}
    snapshot-store {...}

Update Class References

Finally, you need to update class references in your configuration settings. For example, if you have a setting like this:

postgres-journal.dao = "akka.persistence.postgres.journal.dao.NestedPartitionsJournalDao

You should change it to:

postgres-journal.dao = "org.apache.pekko.persistence.postgres.journal.dao.NestedPartitionsJournalDao

Migration from older akka-persistence-postgres version

If you are using an older version of akka-persistence-postgres, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version. The upgrade process involves several steps, which are detailed in the migration guide. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth transition.